
venting complaints and grievances, sometimes with bushcraft

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Toss a coin to your bitcher, oh valley of plentyyyyy

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Times are tough all over, and while you want to support the content there are f*cking BILLS TO PAY.

I absolutely get it. And for the price of about 2x energy drinks a month [which very well may be what this is used for], I can absolutely say that this subscription will still help.

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I have no idea why you'd pay about the cost of a streaming subscription for my stuff, but hey I'm not going to look a gift-sub in the mouth. This tier comes with access to a Patreon subscriber only room in the Discord, which to be candid is about as lively as a graveyard at the moment. One of the duller ones. Lots of argyle.

But you will be listed as a Patron in the videos! See your name in a fantastic shade of gray!

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